Using ‘Some’ and ‘Any’

The words ‘some’ and ‘any’ are quantifiers. We use ‘some’ and ‘any’ with a noun when we don’t know the amount.

I have 3 apples.

I have some apples.

We can use ‘some’ and ‘any’ with countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

There are some apples in the fridge.

The noun ‘apples’ is countable.

There is some juice in the fridge.

The noun ‘juice’ is uncountable.

When Do I Use ‘Any’?

We use ‘any’ in three ways:

  • Negative sentences;
  • Questions;
  • ‘If’ statements.

Negative sentences

We use ‘any’ with ’not’ to make negative sentences.

We don’t have any milk.
There isn’t any bread.
Don’t = do not Isn’t = is not Learn more about contractions.


We use ‘any’ to make questions.

Do we have any milk?
Is there any bread?

‘If’ Statements

We use ‘any’ when the sentence starts with ‘if’.

If you have any questions, just ask.

When Do I Use ‘Some’?

We use ‘some’ in three ways:

  • Positive sentences;
  • Making offers or requests;
  • Asking questions when you think the answer is ‘yes’.

Positive Sentences

We use ‘some’ to make positive sentences.

I bought some bread.
There is some milk in the fridge.

Offers and Requests

Offers and requests are often questions. When a question is an offer or a request we use ‘some’.

Would you like some coffee?

This is an offer. You are offering me coffee.

Can I have some water?

This a request. I am requesting water.

Asking Questions When you Think the Answer is ‘Yes’

We usually use ‘any’ to make questions. You can use ‘some’ in a question when you think the answer to the question will be ‘yes’.

Did you learn some new words in class?

I think the answer is ‘yes’. I think you did learn new words.

Do we still have some milk in the fridge?

I think the answer is ‘yes’. I think we have milk.

Making Sentences with ‘Some’ and ‘Any’

We usually use ‘some’ or ‘any’ directly before the noun.

some + noun

any + noun

We can use ‘some’ or ‘any’ without a noun when the person you are speaking to knows the noun you are talking about.

I couldn’t find the bread. We didn’t have any.

In the first sentence I introduce the noun ‘bread’. In the second sentence I use ‘any’ without a noun. ‘Any’ refers to the noun ‘bread’. I don’t need to use the noun ‘bread’ in the second sentence, because you know I am talking about ‘bread’.

It is common to leave out the noun when you are answering a question.

John: Do we have any milk? Sarah: Yes, there is some in the fridge.